
Monit linux examples
Monit linux examples

In this tutorial, we will use default locations. These are an ID file where monit stores a hash, a state file where it stores state information, a directory where events will be stored, and a log file where it can write logs. We now need to set up some things that allow monit to work properly. At the moment, the interface will be inaccessible. To access it, you would use enter your login credentials. Monit will now be able to serve a monitoring interface via http on port 2813. Make sure you replace ‘username’ and ‘password’ with values of your choice. If you want monit to have a web interface for monitoring, add the following lines: set httpd port 2813 Open monitrc with a text editor of your choice. The output should be “Control file syntax OK”. After every configuration change, it is recommended to run monit -t to check the monitrc file and others config files for errors.

monit linux examples

We can now safely modify monitrc and we have a backup in case something goes wrong with the configuration. Then, make a backup of monitrc: cp monitrc monitrc.oldĪnd clear the config file: echo "" > monitrc For this tutorial I’ll configure it to monitor system resources, network connectivity and bandwidth, and the apache2 service.įirst, move to the configuration directory: cd /etc/monit

monit linux examples

Monit can be configured to monitor any process/service/file. Monitrc is the main configuration file, others may be added in /etc/monit/conf.d and /etc/monit/conf-enabled Then stop it while we configure it: systemctl stop monitīy default, Monit configuration files are in /etc/monit.

monit linux examples

#Monit linux examples install#

Installation and Configuration Install Monit and stop it. The steps described below should work on Debian and other Debian-based distros, including Ubuntu. It has a clean web interface that runs on its own HTTP server. Monit is a simple yet powerful monitoring tool that can automatically restart services/processes and send email alerts.

Monit linux examples